Friday, February 10, 2006


very unhappy today. the unhappiness is a continuation of yesterday's. i don't understand why people can be so careless and oblivious, one just needs to give a little bit attention to small stuff around which can be done nicely and orderly.

i don't get it, why guys don't care so many things. they'd rather play pc games, chatting with friends, joking those stupid jokes. i hate this kind of irresponsible unreliable behaviour. what a pity. this totally reflects the immaturity of a guy's mind.

females are the superior species of humankind, that's undoubted. in terms of ability and mental state we are far more in front of men.

i hate taking care of other ppl. that's so energy consuming. i admit that i'm selfish, cos i want my loved one shower me with attention. but i'm pretty sure if my bf was more concerning about me and more caring more mature, even i have to take lots of care of him in some sense i'd be more than willing. i don't know if i had made the right decision. maybe i should stay single these years and concentrate on my studies. age does have a direct connection with maturity i guess. afterall old ppl are right.

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